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Stretching, both literally and figuratively, is vital for all aspects of life, offering a myriad of benefits for the body, mind and soul....

God. Holy Goddess. Higher Power. The Universe. An unseen force that is designed designated determined destined to develop into positive...

Pause. Breathe. Refresh.
In today’s modern world where busyness and more busyness is not only a reality but a sign of status, it can be near impossible to ever...

Good Habits=Good Life
Two more winning practices from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits are his two-minute rule and the value of practice vs perfection. Two...

Habit Stacking works!
Have you read Atomic Habits by James Clear? In a genre that has exploded in the past few years, his approach offers practical, actionable...

Socializing in a post-Covid world
As we emerge from our collective Covid lockdown and start to reengage with friends and family, David Ludden, Ph.D., writes about finding...

Beware the power of social media
I broke my six-month hiatus from social media today with a lovely post about sitting in my garden, whiling away the time in the morning...

Set Your Boundaries
Fences gently mark a line of separation. Well-designed, well-maintained fences are lovely to behold. They are functional and beautiful....

Light at the End of the Tunnel
It represents hope. Hope that the long, difficult situation we’re in will someday – maybe someday soon – come to an end. For a...

The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
If you haven't read it yet, rush right out and buy The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. Read it because it's a great story told well. (I...

Productivity Hack: Set A Timer
It’s a mind game, I know, but if I tell myself I only have to do something for 10 or 20 or 30 minutes, I will do it. The deal I have with...

Want a high-performing team? Build trust.
Growing a successful company is a team sport. If you're a leader, you know this. Like it or not, you simply cannot do everything that...

Never Criticize, Condemn or Complain
Dale Carnegie wrote a whole book about how to win friends and influence people. The truth is that I've never read past the second...

Take One Step
As Rishad Tobaccowala describes in this post, a successful career is anything but a straight upward trajectory. Our lives are filled with...

No, not THAT Frozen. I'm talking about that moment when you decide you're going to do something that makes your palms sweat and your...
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